If you have followed Sam Smith’s career, you would probably remember that he was on the heavier side when he started in the business. However, a lot of people failed to notice that because of his angelic voice and his singing prowess. After he built up a good reputation in the music industry and when he began to have a name, he also started his weight loss program.

Sam was determined to lose on the pounds and followed a strict fitness and diet scheme. As a result of his hard work, he managed to shave off around 14 pounds in just a short span of time. The hit maker promised that he never opted for any loans to go under the knife as he wants his transition to be as close to natural as possible. His weight loss was all-natural, composed of diets and exercises only. Now, Sam looks quite thin compared to the time when he still looked a little bit chubby, but we can’t deny that he’s really a handsome guy.
