To lose weight, celebrities follow different methods and techniques just to achieve their desired body weight. Some opt-in for diets, while others take various fitness routines, exercise. Some even go beyond that scope and go under the knife. But, for Kelly Prince, it’s through God’s help. The 47-year-old credits no one but God for her weight loss. However, she still coupled it with the right fitness routines and a very healthy diet. As they say, you have to work hard, and God will do the rest.

So, on Kelly’s part, she might have changed her eating habits and started a fitness routine to reduce her 300 pounds of body weight. Successfully, with the help of divine intervention, she made a dramatic body transformation. To a certain degree, we all should believe Kelly and her majestic transformation towards a healthier version of herself. Judging from the way she looks, it seems like she’s not having any plans to return to her body’s past shell.
