Jojo started her music career at an early age, showing that she’s a talented young woman. When she was only 17, she already had a huge investment deal with a known recording company. However, as the company wanted to market Jojo as a fit star who could significantly sing, it put her on an HCG diet. HCG diet is a weight-loss plan that combines daily injections of human chorionic gonadotropin with severe calorie restriction. It will burn stored fat in the stomach, hips, and thighs.

Many artists try this method to maintain their looks, almost without enrolling in any fitness plan or workouts. At the time, she was only allowed to take 500 calories a day to hasten up the weight loss. Although it was deemed effective, it wasn’t an enjoyable process. It’s widely believed Jojo stopped injecting herself with this method because of the degree of dangers it entailed. Sadly, she was not the only celebrity who opted for this method to lose weight.
