Bruce Vilanch is known for his physical appearance, his long blonde hair, distinctive bright colored glasses, his collection of double-entendre themed t-shirts, and his weight. According to reports, Bruce allegedly tried all the diet methods that he could think of but to no avail. So, what option was left for him? Surgery. The 72-year-old writer, reportedly, used his investments to go under the knife to control his weight finally, and it paid off. He did lose weight and have the body that he has wanted for a long time.

Like every story, there is a turning point. Unfortunately for the writer, it only lasted for a short while. The success of his operation didn’t last long. Due to his uncontrollable love for food, Bruce once again gained the weight he lost. At his age, he should now change his lifestyle habits and opt for a healthier diet so that he can avoid the illnesses that come from being an overweight person.
