Did you know that Meghan Trainor used to be called a “fat whale” at the beginning of her career? As we all know, the famed singer used to have a big frame until she decided to change that and live a healthier life. Meghan might have got tired of people making fun of her weight, so she started to work on her weight loss. Credits to her fiancé, he suggested that she should opt for a proper diet that would help her lose weight. Thankfully, she listened, and since then, she never went back to her old ways. Meghan adopted an adequate diet plan and followed a regular exercise routine. Now, she managed to achieve the body she wanted and looks lighter.

She didn’t just look healthy, but she also now has a great physique, and all of that point towards a simple step – eating balanced nutritious meals and shedding a couple of pounds from her frame. Of course, none of this would be possible if Meghan did not spend her investment money on her health.
