With a $10-million net worth, this 31-year-old multitalented performer made investments in her $2 million home in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles. It’s a three-story house with a breath-taking view of the city. When she’s out from the spotlight, she’s in her home relaxing and taking everything in one step at a time. The 2,101-square-foot house has become her safe space where she can rest and be truly herself. After hours on centerstage, this home brings her peace.

It features a natural wood texture, lush gardens, and surrounded by more natural palettes. An investment she will genuinely look back someday for all its worth. With all the money that she has already saved up and her net worth, there are no doubts that she will soon have more properties in her name and all of them will surely have a view we will all be amazed of. So, you better keep tabs on her so that you would not be surprised.
