As the founder of one of the biggest social media websites in recent years, it comes as no surprise that Mark Zuckerberg managed to have a net worth of $75.5 billion. Although young, he managed to be part of the Forbes’ List in 2019. With a huge amount in his bank, he chose to purchase two mansions located in Lake Tahoe. This investment is worth $59 million. His smaller mansion is a Tudor style home that was built in the 1930s and is referred to as the Carousel Estate.

Brushwood Estate, which is the bigger of the two structures, was constructed in the 1960s. He doesn’t need to make a loan to acquire these properties since his net worth is more than the amount anyone could fathom. In fact, he can even buy a couple more mansions or palaces if he wishes. As long as he will continue to work for his billions, Mark will always get what he wants.
