Liza Minnelli is one of the most respected singers and actresses in her times. She is the daughter of two big celebrity names, Judy Garland and Vincente Minnelli. Though they previously owned a 5,800 square foot home at Crescent Drive in Beverly Hills, Liza decided to make investments in a separate 3,271 square feet estate which is also in Beverly Hills. Her own home might be relatively small when compared to the one she grew up in, it still comes with five bathrooms, five bed rooms, an impressive swimming pool, and a patio.

She eventually put it up for rent at $10,900 per month. Like Hayek, Liza Minneli has a wise investment in renting her property out. Instead of selling it for a lump sum price, she opted to receive a gradual income from it and still owns the property. Another thing is the attachment to said piece of estate which is usually difficult.
