Oprah Winfrey is an American executive who started from the bottom and ended up one the most influential female media moguls at present. It’s no wonder that so many are inspired to follow her footsteps. Everyone knows of her rags-to-riches story and how she is among the most influential woman in history. Did you know though that apart from her media business, Winfrey is also a minority shareholder in the company Weight Watchers? Yes. The value of the company’s stock more than tripled since she joined in 2015.

With a net worth of $2.6 billion, there is no doubt that she has many investments and among which is her home in California, which is priced at $50 million. The 23,000-square-foot mansion increased its value by up to $165 million due to renovations. Despite being rich, she is known to be generous, going as far as giving homes for deserving people. Though such level of philanthropy requires a lot of money, you can rest assured she can maintain it for years.
