The actress-comedienne Julia Louis-Dreyfus is remarkable for her work in Seinfeld, Veep, and Saturday Night Live. But she’s no ordinary woman. She’s a recipient of eleven Emmy Awards and we all know it’s no easy feat! To her credit, she was awarded eight for acting and three for producing, among many other accolades she garnered. Her success is evident in the properties she purchased over the years.

This includes the beachfront vacation home in Santa Barbara, California that she and her husband actor Brad Hall purchased in 1996. The 3,000 square foot, 2-story, eco- friendly house is now valued at $5 million. It is often said that when you start investing in one venture, you can never stop especially if the result is amenable and marvelous. Julia Louis-Dreyfus will no doubt purchase another couple of properties to add to her existing estates because she feels the excitement and the lure it brings.
