Actress, producer and model, Bo Derek, who older generations might remember for her breakout role in the film Tarzan, The Ape Man (which was released way back in 1981) is still, at 64 years of age, turning heads and flooring people wherever she goes. Indeed, braids were a thing in the early 80s primarily because Bo Derek was seen in them for one film. She was, by all accounts, a trendsetter during the decade. It might be better to say that’s he remains a fashion icon, especially when some big stars of today, like Kim Kardashian have admittedly copied her style for one IG snap.

Her blue eyes and blonde hair certainly make for an attractive combination. She also puts a lot of time and investment toward taking good care of herself, proving to everyone beauty will never be limited by age. In fact, women simply get even more beautiful as they get older and Bo Derek is a testament to this fact.
