André the Giant, or André René Roussimoff in real life used to be the one of the biggest stars in the WWF roster. He was known as one of the toughest WWF World Heavyweight Champion in the sport and a huge deal of that came from his sheer size and overwhelming strength. He was a popular icon in the ’80s and is known as Hulk Hogan’s biggest competition both literally and figuratively. He achieved massive success during his prime in the world of professional wrestling.

However, that was cut prematurely, when he passed away at the age of 46 because of congestive heart failure. Her only daughter, Robin Christensen-Roussimoff, was devastated after she heard the news from their family lawyer and we can clearly understand the situation she had to go through. On the bright side, her father left her a sizable amount of inheritance that she used to keep her finances on the right track.
